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Haberin Kaynağının Adı
Bartolomeo da Mosto
Haber Kaynağının Niteliği
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Kayıt İçeriği

Mısır'daki huzursuzluklar, Canberdi Gazali'nin gücü

Özel Not


Kayıt Özeti

In all parts, starting from the Greater India and Lower Egypt at the mounts of Syria and over the Euphrates, Caramania, Anatolia, Persia and then in the Black Sea, this Signor Turco is feared, despised by all neighboring signori. If any opportunity comes up they shall rebel, likewise in the land he has acquired in Syria. Everyone is on the edge, even if a major war does not break out, they wish to keep on raiding until a better opportunity comes up.612 Captain Bartolomeo’s letter conveys the rumors in Cairo that Gazali would march against the Signor Turco because the Sultan was already aware of his schemes. Captain Bartolomeo stated that Gazali is well-liked by the Mamluks.

Kaynak Bilgisi
M. Sanuto, I Diarii di Marino Sanuto, Forni Editore, Bologna, (1969).