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I. Selim'in ölümünün ardından Süleyman'ın İstanbul'a varışı

Özel Not


Kayıt Özeti

This morning [September 30] at one o’clock his son arrived with three vessels from Anatolia. He disembarked near the Palace and accompanied by the aga of the janissaries entered the Palace. There he heard the cries of the women and the populace because they had been informed of the death of his father signor Selim Sach. These people were worried about the possibility of being looted, but by the grace of God nothing happened for the good government of the viziers and the above-mentioned commander of the janissaries.

Kaynak Bilgisi
M. Sanuto, I Diarii di Marino Sanuto, Forni Editore, Bologna, (1969).